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U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Building

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Language Arts And English +2 Age Levels Middle School (13 to 15 years old), High School (16 to 18 years old)

The collection of photos here are about the U.S Immigration and Assay Office, more commonly known as the U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Building (INS), which had incarcerated and processed many immigrants and refugees seeking to live, or work in the US from 1932 to 2004. It actively participated in detaining numerous immigrants from various ethnic groups, such as Asian Pacific Islanders and people from Southeast Asia, but had targeted Chinese immigrants, particularly men, because of the Chinese Exclusion Act, which restricted the entry of laborers to the United States. 

In 2004, it would be shut down. Later, it was purchased by private investors, who rebuilt and renamed it Inscape, a studio space for Seattle artists in the area.

Immigration has been a topic of discussion for years, with easily accessible internet access and social media access has led the public to think about-----…

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