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3,500+ Resources You May Not Know About

3,500+ Resources You May Not Know About By: Michelle Smith, Associate Director for Digital Media, Smithsonian Center for Learning and Digital Access It's natural—and correct—to think of artworks, objects, and artifacts when you come to the Learning Lab in search of resources. However, there are also many text resources that may be of particular interest to teachers and students. Here we will highlight just a sma...

Building STEAM Skills with Hands-On Activity Collections

​Building STEAM Skills with Hands-On Activity Collections By Cody Coltharp, Digital Interactive Designer, Smithsonian Center for Learning and Digital Access When I work with teachers around the country demonstrating the Learning Lab, many have mentioned the challenge of integrating technology in ways that are both engaging and easy to implement in a classroom environment. In response, I've created six "activit...

Visit the Smithsonian Learning Lab Team at NAEA 2017

Visit the Smithsonian Learning Lab Team at NAEA 2017 Start spreading the news...New York City, here we come! From Thursday, March 2 through Saturday, March 4, Smithsonian educators will host sessions at the 2017 National Art Education Association (NAEA) National Convention. Here's a schedule of where to find us during the convention: Smithsonian Learning Lab mini-sessions will take place in the Union Square Meet...

Looking Closely to See Far

Looking Closely to See Far By: Ashley Naranjo, Manager of Educator Engagement, Smithsonian Center for Learning and Digital Access   As an educator in the office that built and manages the Smithsonian Learning Lab, I make presentations and offer professional development about it in schools all over the country. I demonstrate how to use the Lab and how it can support and enhance instruction. One of ...

Exploring the Chemistry of Space Flight

New White Paper Suggests Ways Using the Lab Can Achieve Educational Goals "Integrating Authentic Digital Resources in Support of Deep, Meaningful Learning," a white paper prepared for the Smithsonian by Interactive Educational Systems Design Inc., describes instructional approaches that apply to successful teaching with the Smithsonian Learning Lab. After defining its use of terms such as deeper learning and ...

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