ufn18894 uln18894
Preschool (0 to 4 years old), Primary (5 to 8 years old), Elementary (9 to 12 years old), Middle School (13 to 15 years old), High School (16 to 18 years old), Adults, Post-Secondary
Teacher/Educator, Education Agency Admin, Curriculum Coordinator, Curriculum Developer, Researcher, Museum Staff
Language Arts And English, Social Studies, Arts
ufn18894 uln18894's collections
<p>This learning lab takes a look at redlining, the practice of discrimination in which certain geographical areas are segregated due to the race, ethnicity, and other cultural barriers. Starting with the exclusion of Native people in Seattle and looking at how redlining has reoccurred throughout history, including its impacts on present day Seattle, this exhibit will explore the intersectionality of the multiple different communities in Seattle in hopes of building a better future and preventing history from repeating itself. </p>
<p>The learning lab will primarily look through the lenses of the Redlining Heritage Trail, a 14 mile long tour provided by the Wing Luke Museum that connected many significant landmarks and buildings throughout Seattle, and the Wing's exhibit "Excluded, Inside the Lines", which looked at the usage of redlining in oppressing Native, Asian, and African Americans.</p>

U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Building
<p>The collection of photos here are about the U.S Immigration and Assay Office, more commonly known as the U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Building (INS), which had incarcerated and processed many immigrants and refugees seeking to live, or work in the US from 1932 to 2004. It actively participated in detaining numerous immigrants from various ethnic groups, such as Asian Pacific Islanders and people from Southeast Asia, but had targeted Chinese immigrants, particularly men, because of the Chinese Exclusion Act, which restricted the entry of laborers to the United States. </p>
<p>In 2004, it would be shut down. Later, it was purchased by private investors, who rebuilt and renamed it Inscape, a studio space for Seattle artists in the area.<br></p>
<p>Immigration has been a topic of discussion for years, with easily accessible internet access and social media access has led the public to think about-----</p>
<p>‘What is the American Dream? Who gets to make that dream a reality and who gets denied that access? What is happening today around immigration and detention and what actionable items can we organize?‘</p>

Letters from Home: Chinese Exclusion & Family
<p dir="ltr">The following digital exhibit highlights the personal experiences of Chinese immigrants in Seattle, Washington during the early 20th century. These letter translations add the Wing Luke Museum's extensive archive of Chinese Exclusion era primary source letters into the canon of U.S. history. This lesson is designed to capture the visually-aesthetic, emotional, and era-specific conventions via letter-writing and correspondence. </p>
<p>The content within this exhibit includes historical background information and references in further developing students’ understanding of what Push factors and Pull factors are in immigration — specifically China and the United States. The exhibit will additionally take students through a visual storyline of important events and policies such as the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882, the aftermath of migration, and the perspectives and real voices of Chinese immigrants behind such letters.</p>
<p>This Learning Lab collection was created by Emelynn Arroyave, David Salinas, and SovannKagna Hou in the summer 2021 Smithsonian Affiliate Digital Learning and Engagement Internship, in partnership with Emerson Collective and <em>Wing Luke Museum of the Asian Pacific American Experience, a Smithsonian Affiliate</em>. #SAintern #SAinterns #RaceAndSocialJustice #Immigration #ChangingAmericanNarrative </p>