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ufn3654 uln3654

Art Resource Teacher
Fairfax County Public Schools
Primary (5 to 8 years old), Elementary (9 to 12 years old), Middle School (13 to 15 years old), High School (16 to 18 years old)
Teacher/Educator, Curriculum Developer
Visual Arts, Arts :

ufn3654 uln3654's collections


Sculptures by Sol LeWitt

<p>What geometric shapes/forms do you see?</p> <p></p> <p>How does the artist create a relationship between form and space?</p> <p>How do the parts interact or intersect?</p> <p></p> <p></p>
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Sculptures by Martin Puryear

<p>How does the artist create a relationship between form and space?</p> <p>How do the parts interact or intersect?</p>
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Transformed Environments

<p>Some of these environments have been transformed by natural occurances. Some have been transformed by human activity.  </p> <p>Which transformations are positive ones? Which have negative outcomes? How can humans make choices to limit negative outcomes on the environment?</p>
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Reimagining the Statue of Liberty

<p>This collection asks students to explore the importance of national symbols to our cultural, political, and collective identity. By examining the Statue of Liberty, and its many reinterpretations, students will consider difficult questions facing us today: Who is included? Who decides? Why and how do people use national symbols as a way to protest? How have our notions and ideals of liberty changed over time? [Collection adapted from <em>Toward a More Inclusive America</em> collection by Philippa Rappoport.]</p> <p>Included here are </p> <ul><li>images of the artifacts and supporting objects</li><li>suggested Thinking Routines - "See, Think, Wonder," "Think, Feel, Care," and "The 3 Ys" - from Harvard's Project Zero Artful and Global Thinking materials</li><li>supporting interpretive video</li><li>a discussion/writing prompt</li></ul> <p>For use in Social Studies, Spanish, English, Art, and American History classes<br></p> <p>#EthnicStudies #LatinoHAC </p> <p></p>
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Visual Tension

<p>Tension in art is represented by a balance between opposing formal elements. (Line, shape, color, value, form, texture, or space.) It can cause anxiety or excitement in the viewer. </p><p>Look at some nonrepresenttional paintings. How did the artists use the elements to create visual tension?</p><p>How could a painting represent the tension someone has experienced?</p>
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Controlled Environments

<p>The environments depicted by some artists evoke a sense of control and order.  Look at these artworks by Charles Sheeler, Edward Hopper, and Richard Estes. What formal elements of art or principles of design do you see that support the feeling of control?</p> <ul><li>Elements: line, shape, color, value, form, texture, space</li><li>Principles of Design: balance, contrast, emphasis, movement, pattern, rhythm, unity</li></ul>
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Abstraction Methods

<p>Artists can abstract people and objects in many ways. Which methods of abstraction can you identify in these artworks?</p> <ul><li>Simplify</li><li>Fragment (or explode; break into pieces)</li><li>Multiply </li><li>Rearrange (move the parts around)</li><li>Magnify (change the scale)</li><li>Distort (change the shape) </li><li>Morph (change into something else)</li><li>Arbitrary Colors</li></ul><p>Art making prompt: arrange some objects to draw. Then choose an abstraction method to create an artwork based on the objects you see.</p> <p></p>
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Relationships in Nonrepresentation

<p>What kind of relationship can you find between shapes, colors, or lines depicted in these nonrepresentational artworks? How could they symbolize a real-life relationship?</p>
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Body Language

<ul><li>How does a person's gaze, stance or the way they use their hands communicate a mood or feeling?</li><li>In artworks depicting two or more people, how are they interacting? What does that say about their relationship to each other?</li></ul><br /><p><br /></p>
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Evocative Memories

<p>Memories can evoke strong feelings and  inspire artists to tell stories in their art. Look at a selected image with a partner or table group and discuss:</p> <p></p> <ul><li>What is the story?</li><li>How do you think the person or people feel about this experience?</li><li>What do you see that makes you think they feel that way?</li><li>Have you ever had the same feeling?</li></ul><p></p>
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Theatre Masks

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Culture Lotto

<p>Images to show when playing third grade Culture Lotto game.</p>
ufn3654 uln3654