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ufn3654 uln3654

Art Resource Teacher
Fairfax County Public Schools
Primary (5 to 8 years old), Elementary (9 to 12 years old), Middle School (13 to 15 years old), High School (16 to 18 years old)
Teacher/Educator, Curriculum Developer
Visual Arts, Arts :

ufn3654 uln3654's collections


Abstract food

<p>Images illustrate how artists use simplification and zooming in to abstract images of popular foods.</p>
ufn3654 uln3654

Abstraction Methods

<p>Artists can abstract people and objects in many ways. Which methods of abstraction can you identify in these artworks?</p> <ul><li>Simplify</li><li>Fragment (or explode; break into pieces)</li><li>Multiply </li><li>Rearrange (move the parts around)</li><li>Magnify (change the scale)</li><li>Distort (change the shape) </li><li>Morph (change into something else)</li><li>Arbitrary Colors</li></ul><p>Art making prompt: arrange some objects to draw. Then choose an abstraction method to create an artwork based on the objects you see.</p> <p></p>
ufn3654 uln3654

Abstract Sculpture

<p>For younger students, play an "I Spy" or sorting game with sculpture images. Attributes to look for:</p> <ul><li>Geometric shapes/forms</li><li>Biomorphic shapes/forms</li><li>Inside/outside sculptures</li><li>Sculptures that resemble animals or people</li><li>Sculptures that don't resemble anything</li><li>Big/little sculptures - explain how you decided this (scale in relation to its surroundings)</li></ul><p>With older students, challenge them to construct a definition of abstraction based on what they observe in the sculptures. </p>
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Animal Vessels

ufn3654 uln3654

Art & Culture Guessing Game

<p>1. Can you guess who made these? Look at each picture and decide which type of maker created it:      Painter, Sculptor, Potter, Printmaker, Weaver, Architect</p> <p>2. Can you guess what culture or time these things are from?  Write your guess, then click on the picture. Click the  <strong>i  </strong>symbol to learn the answer.</p> <p>3. Choose a picture and tell why  you think this object is special or useful.</p> <p>4.  How do you think it expresses something important to the people of that culture?</p>
ufn3654 uln3654

Art & Culture Sort

<p>First, sort the images by type of art/artist. Teacher should make index card headings for the following categories: Painting/Painter, Textile/Weaver, Clothing/Fashion Designer, Architecture/Architect, Prints/Printmaker, Sculpture/Sculptor, Functional Ceramics/Potter or Ceramist. Sometimes an image may cross categories (painting of a house might be categorized in architecture or painting); either answer would be acceptable if the student can justify why.</p><p>Second, make an educated guess about culture represented in selected images. Students can "guess and check" with teacher. Online research option: students work in pairs to access this collection and click on the info button for an image to learn about the maker, time period, and culture. They can record their findings to help answer the reflection questions below.</p><p>After the sorting activities, ask students to choose an image and answer: <em> Why is/was this object of value (or useful)? How do you think it expresses something important to the people of that culture? </em></p>
ufn3654 uln3654

Artist Books

ufn3654 uln3654

Art or Not Art?

<p>Introduction to the concept of "what is art?" Students sort images by whether they think the objects are artworks or not. For the purpose of this discussion, a photograph per se is not categorized as art; it is an image of a plant, animal, toy, sculpture, etc. </p>
ufn3654 uln3654

A Special Place - Woodcut & Linocut Prints

<p>View selected prints of different places, then discuss: </p> <p></p> <ul><li>What is the first thing you notice?</li><li>What do you believe is special about this place?</li><li>How did the artist use composition to highlight what is special?</li></ul><p>Choose one print to examine:</p> <p></p> <ul><li>What kinds of lines, patterns or textures did the artist use?</li><li>How did the artist use tools to create areas of light and dark?</li></ul><p>Apply in your own work:</p><p><br /></p><p></p> <ul><li>What makes a place special or meaningful to you?</li><li>What clues will help capture the uniqueness of your special place?</li></ul><p>ARTMAKING CHALLENGES:</p><ul><li>Draw a picture of a special place using foreground, middle ground, and background. Use a variety of lines and cross hatching to create texture and value.</li><li>Sketch your special place, then transfer the design to a soft rubber printing plate. Using a lino cutter, outline the major areas and cut away areas that will remain light. Use a variety of lines and cross hatching to create areas of light and dark in the prints. Ink your printing plate and pull several prints. </li><li>Create a painting of a special place using foreground, middle ground, and background. Mix tints and shades. Use color to communicate an emotion linked to your special place.  </li></ul><p></p> <p></p> <p></p>
ufn3654 uln3654

Celebrate Good Times

<p>Images support second grade collage lesson. Choose an image that connects to a poem read to students (from <em>Celebrate American in Poetry in Art,</em> edited by Nora Panzer). Use questioning to describe and analyze the artwork: </p> <ul><li>"What do you see?" </li><li>"What is happening here? </li><li>"What clues make you think that?"</li><li> "What else is happening in this image?" </li></ul> <p>Celebration can take forms other than parades, dances, or parties. A portrait can celebrate the dignity of a worker <em>(Lunch at the Grill)</em> or someone who stood up for freedom (Harriet Tubman in <em>I Go to Prepare a Place for You</em>), or the birth of a new baby (<em>Family</em> by Romare Bearden).</p> <p>Ask students to take a minute to think of a personal experience that this image reminds them of, then turn to a partner and share. This prepares them for the next step, which is to visualize a favorite community celebration and sketch in preparation for making a collage.</p>
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Chuck Close Portraits

ufn3654 uln3654

Coil Baskets

<p>Baskets can be both functional and decorative. Choose an image and make guesses based on what you see:</p> <ul><li>What materials were used to make the basket?</li><li>What do you think it was used for?</li><li>What process did the artist use to make the basket?</li><li>Where do you think the basket is from?</li></ul><p>Check the info tab to learn more.<br /></p>
ufn3654 uln3654